Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

3. Iron Man vs Thor vs Cap (The Avengers)

The very first time any of the Avengers got physical with each other was in 2012's The Avengers - and, evidently, it was a sign of things to come in Captain America: Civil War. Loki had allowed himself to be captured by Iron Man, Captain America and Black Widow, but Thor wasn't having that and decided to take his adoptive brother off their hands. In turn, Iron Man and Captain America weren't having that and they pursued the Asgardian, with Iron Man attacking Thor and the two duking it out. That is until Cap's belated arrival. The super soldier - seemingly out of his league - ended the fight with his shield, which elevated him to a level at which he became a clear and genuine threat to super-powered characters (making Captain America versus Iron Man seem like much less of a mismatch than it otherwise might seem). His final line in the scene was "Are we done here?" and, clearly, they were not (at least not him and Iron Man anyway).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.