Captain America: Civil War - 10 Great Comic Moments We Won’t Get To See

8. Facility 42 In The Negative Zone

Tom Holland Spider-Man Unmasked Civil War.jpg
Marvel Comics

The Great Moment: To deal with the fugitive heroes once they’ve been captured, Reed Richards and Tony Stark built Facility 42, a prison located in the Negative Zone to hold them.

Why We Won’t Get To See It: We may end up seeing a version of the prison, but the trailers make it hard to tell. There’s clearly some sort of facility in the middle of the Ocean but its purposes are as-of-yet, unconfirmed.

It could be a secret SHIELD base, or maybe even Zemo’s lair. In any case, despite its secretive location and futuristic cells, it certainly isn’t going to remotely resemble the structure from the comics.

A couple of things are for certain, Reed Richards had no involvement in its design and it’s clearly not in another dimension. This is important to the comics since it’s means that Tony's side is literally exiling superheroes to another dimension because they don’t share an ideology. The severity of this is supposed to be so striking that no normal prison could conjure up the same feeling.

By simplifying the construction and location of this facility, hopefully Civil War can still find a way to get these drastic consequences across.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.