Captain America: Civil War - 10 MCU Problems It Needs To Fix

3. Develop Characters More

One of the main complaints about the Avengers ensemble movies to date in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is that they're very crammed - and some characters' development and screen time suffers as a result. In the first Avengers movie it was Hawkeye and in Avengers: Age of Ultron you could say the titular villain was fairly underdeveloped, as well as the Maximoffs and some other Avengers. Hopefully, in spite of the fact that it too will be introducing new characters, Captain America: Civil War (which is essentially Avengers 2.5) will further develop the ones we haven't seen enough of. Surely Scarlet Witch's powers haven't been fully tapped into, surely War Machine and Falcon will see more action, surely the villainous Baron Zemo won't be killed off before we really get to know him, surely Spider-Man and Black Panther's appearances won't just be for the sake of it and surely Ant-Man will get to prove himself in a mixed superhuman setting. Essentially, we don't want characters who just make up the numbers - we want all of the characters' appearances to actually mean something.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.