Captain America: Civil War - 10 Things You Need To Know
5. It's Basically Avengers 2.5
While Captain America 3 could simply have been another competent but smaller-scaled action flick much like most other MCU sequels, it's clear with the Civil War premise that the Russo Brothers will be totally swinging for the fences with this movie. It isn't so much going to be a straight-up Captain America film as it's going to basically be The Avengers 2.5. Considering that the Civil War premise will require the inclusion of a large roster of superheroes on both sides, the movie will hardly belong to Cap, and with it following on directly from The Avengers 2, it's likely to have a high-stakes, epic feel on par with both Avengers movies, rather than the lower-key nature of, say, Thor 2 or The Winter Soldier. It's also crucial to consider that Marvel Studios are reportedly in talks with the Russo Brothers to take over the Avengers mantle from Joss Whedon for possibly the third and fourth movies, so in essence, Civil War will be a test to see if the pair can tackle something on such a gigantic scale. The Winter Soldier was hardly a small movie, but it didn't encompass as many big narrative threads as either Avengers movie or Civil War.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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