Captain America: Civil War - 10 Things You Need To Know
4. Captain America's New Team
One of the major plot points of Civil War is, of course, that Cap and Iron Man splinter off into teams which then end up going to head to head over their, to be kind, philosophical differences. With Badass Digest's claim that Cap forms a new team at the end of Age of Ultron with Falcon, War Machine, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and (probably) The Vision, it seems to follow pretty logically that these will be the introductory members of Cap's Civil War squad. The site further claims that Black Widow's role in the movie will be rather subdued, and as for the likes of Black Panther's allegiance, who knows? A lot is up in the air considering more characters will likely have joined each side by the time Civil War begins, though one of the few reliable sources on the production's progress is likely right about the aforementioned names, anyway. As for Iron Man's team? Time will tell, though it's a pretty safe bet that he'll have Hulk on his side and Thor is also a possibility (unless he dies in Age of Ultron and stays that way until Thor: Ragnarok), though his ego might get in the way of that. For a more complete assessment of who will be taking which side, check out K.J. Stewart's brilliant recent piece, providing 21 predictions for who will side with who.
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