Captain America: Civil War - 11 Things Learned From AsiaPop ComiCon Trailer
7. It's Very Cap-Centric
Inevitably, there was a lot of concern that Civil War wouldn't be a Captain America film, despite the title, and that Marvel were effectively just making Avengers 2.5 in a cynical money grab (an idea given wings by the fact that the film's fidelity to the source may not be quite so close). But, according to viewers of the footage, there's a very real sense that this is still Cap's movie. Marvel ought to be applauded for convincing of that fact given the potential pitfalls, and so too should their emphasis on Bucky's importance to the central narrative. After all, their unresolved arc could easily have been swallowed up by the business of the Accords. So that's good news for anyone hoping for another Captain America sequel, but it may raise questions of just how much room there will be for the Civil War source material. There's already a good deal of suspicion that most of what defined the comic event will be dropped (either out of necessity or through creative choices) and this won't do anything for fans who are already annoyed at that dilution.