Captain America: Civil War - 12 Biggest Questions We Want Answered

7. What State Will Bucky Be In At The Start Of The Movie?

Brainwashed Bucky was the villain of The Winter Soldier, and was extremely good at it. However, as teased at the end of that film, Civil War will see him with his memories back, and he'll be fighting alongside his ol' buddy Steve Rogers, with it looking like Sebastian Stan will be providing a lot of the emotional beats for the film. The other thing we know about Bucky in this film is that at some point, presumably near the start, he'll be trapped in a vice, as seen in the Ant-Man post-credits scene and the trailer. At that point, although Steve Rogers goes to rescue him, he still has to check his memory to see if he knows who he is. Does that mean he'll be recovered right at the start of the film, or will we see someone actually help him get his memory back? Then there's the other question connected to that scene: just who put him there? It seems too early for it to be Tony Stark, despite the insistence upon not calling him for help, so could it be the government, or one of the aforementioned villains? Likely Answer: Bucky regaining his memories is probably going to take place off-screen, and instead we'll find him mostly cured, and trapped in a vice, ready to be rescued and reconnected with Steve Rogers.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.