Captain America: Civil War - 12 Subtle Trailer Details You Missed

8. Has The Avengers Compound Been Taken Over?

The way the trailer is edited suggests that this is Thunderbolt Ross making his grand entrance at the new Avengers Facility that debuted at the end of Phase 2. If that is the case, the important thing to notice is that the facility appears to be being guarded in a way that suggests those soldiers didn't come with Ross. They appear to be stationed there; a government force employed to help secure (or control) the superheroes. Is this why Tony Stark is so pissed off? Does Captain America's vigilante behaviour lead to the US government sending a babysitting force, led by Ross, into the Avengers facility? There's no way that either rule-breaking or friendship-breaking would be enough to drive Stark to try and kill his former team-mates, but having his power questioned would sting on an entirely different scale.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.