Captain America: Civil War – 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Jan 13th)

7. Cap Is Going To Die (Not Retire)

Despite that apparently weighty evidence, some parties are still stressing that Cap will actually be killed off (suggesting that the films will have to create some narrative bridge to reviving him for Infinity War). That Hashtag Show on Youtube claim that they know how the end plays out: that Cap gives up, making a deal with the government "stating that they are not to hunt down the people that allied with him in the Civil War." He is then killed, with the film ending on his funeral, though it might be a planned work with the government going along with Steve's desire to "retire" by helping him stage his death. Rating: 6/10 Cap dying is unquestionably illogical for Marvel: he's too important and it's already confirmed he's coming back. But setting up a fake death scene to allow Steve to retire or go underground with Nick Fury (if he doesn't want to give up his heroism but wants autonomy) does sound like it could fly. His death would be symbolically important (to both sides of the civil war) - just as Coulson's was - and it's not like Marvel haven't pretended to kill characters off before. Here's the video:

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