Captain America: Civil War – 13 Biggest Rumours You Need To Know (Jan 13th)

6. HYDRA Is Officially No More

Having seen their bases cleared out and their upper management killed off in Age Of Ultron, HYDRA is no more. In the words of Anthony Russo himself: €œHYDRA isn€™t central to the third movie as it has been in the past, like in €˜The Winter Soldier€™, but the legacy of HYDRA is still there. Even though HYDRA has been sort of vanquished, so to speak, it left a legacy that is still complicating our characters€™ lives. So they do have a presence in the movie, even if they€™re not central to the film.€ So maybe Baron Zemo isn't really working for HYDRA? Maybe he has his own splinter group - like The First Order - who have grand plans for domination, but who aren't using the HYDR brand to avoid suspicion a little better? Rating: 10/10 HYDRA being destroyed is unquestionable: they were already in tatters in Age Of Ultron and bringing back another arm of the organisation would only suggest that it doesn't matter how many you kill. That would ultimately rob any past heroic victories of impact or importance, and would reinforce the idea that villains in MCU films don't actually matter all that much. Expect Zemo's plan to exist under a different umbrella that has evolved from HYDRA's ashes.

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