Captain America: Civil War - 7 Theories On How Bucky Will Be Key

5. Bucky Will Kill War Machine

War Machine isn't looking too healthy in the Civil War trailer. Lying prone in a grief-stricken Tony's arms with his suit thoroughly broken, many are assuming that this is the end of the road for Rhodey Rhodes. If Rhodey was to breathe his last at the hands of the Winter Soldier, either as an intentional act of war or by accident, then things would become very personal indeed. It's already been strongly hinted that the accident that claimed the lives of Howard and Maria Stark, Tony's parents, was caused by Hydra agents within the US government and, if it turns out that The Winter Soldier was the one to carry out the deed then it's hard to see how Tony would be able to hold himself back from going after him. Even with Cap standing between them. Having an actual human cost to the war, with a well-known and likeable character killed, would surely escalate proceedings, especially as it would essentially boil down to Steve's best friend and comrade killing Tony's. Sympathies would be tested, tears would be shed and we the audience would be in for one hell of an emotionally charged ride.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.