Captain America: Civil War - 7 Theories On How Bucky Will Be Key

2. Bucky Will Take A Bullet For Cap

Bucky might have once looked out for his scrawny little friend Steve, but that balance of power in their friendship was irrevocably shifted once Rogers was pumped full of super soldier serum and became the world's first super hero. Since then the dynamic has seen Steve looking out for Bucky more and more, with that quest to keep his friend safe driving Civil War's narrative. Assuming that the MCU's Civil War follows the source material, and has the gall to put Steve Rogers in Crossbones' crosshairs before the final credits roll, it's not necessarily a done deal that the Captain will be killed. Evans is hugely popular in the role and Marvel may well be unwilling to let him go just quite yet. Instead they could just as easily decide to reset the pair's relationship, with Bucky taking the bullet intended for Steve, looking out for him one last time before dying in his arms. It'll be a gut punch for Steve, who will see that his long fight to save his friend was for nought and all his bridges are burnt, whilst neatly tying up Bucky's arc in a way that won't upset too many casual moviegoers.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.