Captain America: Civil War – 8 Big Things We Learned From The Russo’s Facebook Q&A

3.A Broad Overview Of The Plot?

Captain America Civil War Steve Rogers Chris Evans

The Russos have stated several times that Civil War is a "psychological thriller", in contrast to The Winter Soldier's "political thriller". The broad meaning of that is fairly obvious, but one fan wanted a little more clarity, asking for distinction. Joe happily obliged, breaking down the genre conventions of both and, in the process, giving a hint towards to overview of the new movie's narrative.

Describing a psychological thriller, Joe Russo had this to say:

"Psycological thriller turns on the characters and the choices that they make. So this movie is more of a character film and the key moments in this movie turn on key choices the characters are forced to make in the film that ultimately, as the title suggests, put them in conflict with people that are very close to them and that can be severe conflict."

Pretty standard, right? Well, Russo's similar description of a political thriller was a beat-accurate take on The Winter Soldier, so what's here is likely how Civil War will go down - instead of being immediate conflict over the Sokovia Accords, a sequence of decisions will lead to the fight. It's not much, sure, but it's something.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.