Captain America: Civil War - 8 Characters Who Will Be Totally Different

5. Wanda Maximoff

While the amount of screen time Wanda Maximoff was given in Age of Ultron was quite impressive given the sheer scale of the cast and hastiness of the plot, much like Sharon Carter, fans are eager to see more of what the powerful €œenhanced€ (read: mutant, if it wasn't copyrighted by Fox) Avenger can do. The most obvious element of her character that will be dealt with in Civil War is the passing of her brother Pietro, aka Quicksilver. Given their obvious closeness in Age of Ultron and the sheer scope of Wanda€™s grief at his death, it€™s more than likely we€™re going to see a changed Scarlet Witch in the 2016 installment €“ whether it is for the better or the worst is up for debate. Most interestingly, she€™s the only character who hasn€™t been assigned a €˜team€™ €“ in Elizabeth Olsen€™s words, she€™s the €œwild card€ of the titular war. This is promising for the transformation that we might see for Scarlet Witch: being one of the most powerful and volatile mutants in the comic book universe, it makes sense that she wouldn€™t be teaming up with either Stark or Rogers. Throw in her highly principled and extremist actions from the last movie when teaming up with Ultron, and the destabilizing factor of her brother€™s death, and it seems like the film will forge ahead with Maximoff€™s character and abilities, showing the cinematic universe exactly what the reality-bending Scarlet Witch is capable of.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.