Captain America: Civil War - 9 Revelations For Spider-Man: Homecoming

7. Tony Fancies Aunt May

the ides of march marisa tomei
Columbia Pictures

It was great to see Marvel poke fun at their own fanbase by acknowledging the ridiculous criticism of Marisa Tomei's casting as Aunt May. She's younger than the comic book character obviously, but it's ludicrous to castigate her for being attractive: it's not like she's a 20 year old being shoe-horned into a role that should have gone to an older actress.

In having Tony Stark comment (a lot) about how hot she is (making Peter uncomfortable in the process, obviously), we not only got a spearing of that criticism, but also foreshadowing that there may be some flirtation between Aunt May and Tony.

So much for him being devastated by Pepper Potts' decision to dump him.

Stark's involvement in Spider-Man: Homecoming has now officially been confirmed, and there's definitely a strong hint that he'll take up his flirting again when he returns.


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