Captain America: Civil War - 9 Revelations For Spider-Man: Homecoming

6. His Suit Was Made By Tony Stark

Iron Spider.jpg
Marvel Comics

One of the most intriguing elements of Civil War was the introduction of the Iron Spider suit that Tony Stark developed for Peter Parker. It's a shame that we didn't see a fully realised version of the same outfit in Civil War, no matter how impractical it would have been for the story.

Intriguingly though, there's still a possibility of one of the biggest implications of the Iron Spider still shaping Spidey's stand-alone. In Civil War, Stark added a means to track Spidey's powers and work out how to contain him as a fail safe.

Given that he has concerns over heroes lacking self-control (like Hulk and Scarlet Witch - though he treats them oddly differently), Tony wanting to make sure Spidey doesn't turn into a wildcard too would fit the general narrative in the MCU. And that would lead to Parker aligning with Cap as he does in Civil War before the inevitable Avengers reunion when Thanos turns up.


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