Captain America: Civil War - 9 Revelations For Spider-Man: Homecoming

5. He Works Hard To Remain A Dork

Tom Holland Quinjet
Marvel Studios / Twitter

Interestingly, Civil War introduced the idea of Peter Parker sharing the same aspirations to excel that Dash has in The Incredibles. He's fundamentally driven by the urge to show off his newly augmented skills in sports, but he also knows that to do so would uncover his secret, as he's always been a total dork.

The idea of balance is clearly going to be a big part of Spidey's future: in Civil War he actually attempts to defy Stark because he has homework, and we've already been told to expect a Spider-Man whose chief concerns are both finishing school and his heroism.

Presumably that will come to a head at some point in the near future, but seeing him attempt to live a double life without Batman's resources will be a great thing.


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