Captain America: Civil War - 9 Revelations For Spider-Man: Homecoming

4. He's A Genius

Spider Man Genius

There may be some debate over the actual numbers in the comic book, but Peter Parker on the page is a definite super genius. He's made some staggering inventions at a very young age - and went on to develop the technology to make himself invisible among other things - and he's definitely a rival to Tony Stark, Hank Pym and possibly even Mr Fantastic.

That much hasn't really been shown on screen too much yet, presumably because it compromises on the idea of Peter as a loveable everyman rather than a socially maladjusted brain. But Civil War went big on Parker's intelligence, suggesting he rebuilds computers for fun in his spare time.

He might have anxiety about his homework, but this is a seriously high-functioning brain we're dealing with, and it definitely feels like the Science Bros of Stark and Banner will have a third member when Infinity War comes around.


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