Captain America: Civil War - 9 Revelations For Spider-Man: Homecoming

3. He's Very Young

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Marvel Studios

This isn't just a matter of actual age, though it is worthwhile noting that this Peter Parker is far more discernibly a child than Tobey Maguire (who was a fully grown man pretending to be a youngster) and Andrew Garfield (whose youth was a bit too Dawson's Creek to be authentic).

He's full of energy and enthusiasm and his youthfulness has already proved to be annoying to the older members of the Avengers (specifically when he brought up the Star Wars reference) and it will be interesting to see how that dynamic develops.

It's a little odd to think of this Spidey fighting fully grown adult villains, but that's precisely what the comics have always done to great success, and it's the right thing to do. It helps that his attitude will be like a weapon against them too...


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