Captain America: Civil War Ending - 12 Big Implications For Phase 3

2. More Giant Man?

Ant-Man Giant Man

After Scott Laing's giant sized game-changer during the airport sequence, it surely has to be inevitable now that we'll see more of him in full Giant Man form. The effects in that sequence proved that such "silly" sequences are possible, and while the time spent in his massive form was limited by his own experience, continued experimentation could mean we get to see Ant-Man going big again.

Hopefully, if Ant-Man is called upon again in Infinity War by the Avengers, it will be precisely because of his powers - whether that's growing or shrinking - rather than simply boosting numbers. It's one of the only poor decisions in Civil War that he's basically just called in because he answered the phone - rather than being identified as the key part of a heist or ops team because of his very particular powers.

Personally, if Thanos does call in Tim Roth's Abomination to help deal with Hulk (Roth did say he was open to returning for Age Of Ultron after all), the idea of seeing the two monsters and Giant Man brawling would represent a step up even from the exceptional airport scene in Civil War.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.