Captain America: Civil War Ending - 12 Big Implications For Phase 3

1. Could There Be An Iron Man 4? Does There Need To Be?

Iron Man 4.jpg

In light of the news that came out from Robert Downey Jr's camp just ahead of Civil War's release, the sequence in the film where Tony Stark talks with reticence about his inability to give up being Iron Man now seems particularly pertinent.

But after Civil War, would there even be space or scope on the current slate for an Iron Man 4 that follows the unresolved plot details? Seeing Stark as a deflated government stooge is something no-one wants, but if he was to lead a team of sanctioned heroes (like the post-Civil War Mighty Avengers of the comics) against the still pressing threat of the Ten Rings, there's huge potential.

It's more likely that Stark is actually black-listed himself by General Ross after his failure to bring in Captain America and the other "terrorists", which would allow a more personal story without having to call on other existing heroes. And that would still be possible if Marvel made the right choice to deal with the unresolved Ten Rings/real Mandarin threat. Because that surely can't just fizzle out?

That sort of arc-ending approach would be a hell of a lot better than trying to make a film about Fin Fang Foom, and it would take Tony's arc full-circle. Given the success of that sort of narrative structure for The Winter Soldier trilogy, Marvel would be crazy to ignore the potential.

What do you want to see from MCU Phase 3 in the wake of Captain America: Civil War? Share your own suggestions below in the comments thread.


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