Captain America: Civil War - Every Character Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Ant-Man

Paul Rudd Ant-Man Civil War
Marvel Studios

Who would have thought that the strangest casting in the entire MCU and the lead in a film that was supposedly ruined by production issues and creative differences would end up being one of the most important and entertaining players in Civil War?

In Civil War (as he was in his own movie) Paul Rudd is eminently watchable and his charm - particularly when meeting Cap and being completely star-struck - is just irresistible, but it's only one side of his character's appeal.

It's when he really dials it up for the airport scene and test drives his Giant Man alter-ego that he really steals hearts and minds. Even handicapped with sluggish movement and a clumsy fighting style, Giant Man is easily one of the best parts of the entire film. And make no mistake, even considering including that sequence was an incredibly brave move by the Russos.

Perhaps they knew that Rudd's comedic skills (like when Vision phases through him) would add an extra dimension to the performance to take it beyond a disjointed monster movie scene.


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