Captain America: Civil War - Power Ranking Every Character

11. Spider-Man

Spider-Man will no doubt go on to become one of the MCU's strongest characters, but at the time of Civil War he's going to be something of a newbie. That's to say, Peter Parker will have only have gained his powers a few months before the events of Captain America 3, and thus will not have the years of experience behind him that it takes to reach his full potential. Also: this new incarnation of Spider-Man is only going to be 15-years-old, which only increases his chances at being an inexperience hero. Nobody knows to which degree Peter Parker will feature in Civil War, but it seems safe to assume that his role won't be huge; shows of power will likely be kept to a minimum as a result, which means that - as far as this movie is concerned - he'll be at his weakest.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.