Captain America: Civil War - Ranking The Characters By Screen Time

14. Baron Zemo

As well as the aforementioned Crossbones, there'll be another villain in Captain America: Civil War in the form of Daniel Brühl's Baron Zemo. He's likely to be one of the people behind the Sokovia Accords and his reasons for creating them will probably be part of a bigger plot to split the Avengers. He'll mostly operate behind the scenes, posing as a legitimate politician with good intentions - giving directions to the likes of General Ross and Martin Freeman's character - before becoming more prominent towards the end of the movie. His public reveal as a bad guy (probably with links to the Red Skull and HYDRA) may even cause Iron Man, Captain America and their respective teams to reunite before the movie's climax. However, based on the precedent of Baron Strucker in Age Of Ultron, he probably won't see much action.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.