Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2 - 11 Things We Want To See

3. A Closer Look At The Avengers Showdown

Civil War€™s story is pretty large-scale for a solo outing, with The Avengers being split down the middle over signing the accords. The conflict of interests between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers will be the driving force, but the fractured team will come to blows during the course of it too. The last trailer gives the smallest of teases about this fight, with the pro and anti sides running at each other with fierce punching in mind. This will no doubt be a key sequence, so it would be nice if the trailer gave us an idea of the scope of it. Who will fight who, and just how vicious will it be? What does a fight between War Machine and Ant-Man entail, or will Hawkeye and Black Widow duke it out over their differing views? Time will tell, but the possibilities are positively spine-tingling.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.