Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2 - 11 Things We Want To See

2. A First Look At Tom Holland's Spider-Man

Marvel finally wrestled Sony to the ground and got them to free up Spidey, so no more electric Jamie Foxx or ghost dad Denis Leary for everyone's favourite web slinger. Marvel are giving Peter Parker a clean slate to work from, and he€™ll play a small but important role in the events of Civil War. The chance to see the new Spider-Man in action is another selling point for a movie stacked with them, so Marvel could reasonably withhold all information surrounding his appearance and people would still go see it. The studio will likely throw fans a bone and give them an early look at Tom Holland€™s Peter Parker, and the new trailer would be the right time to do it. After all, the movie isn€™t that far from release and the anticipation a first look would create could push the hype into overdrive, which wouldn€™t hurt their box-office numbers any.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.