Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2 - 11 Things We Want To See

6. Baron Zemo

It€™s been known for awhile now that Daniel Bruhl would play Baron Zemo in Civil War, but like a lot of other details the exact nature of his role hasn€™t been revealed. Given Zemo's history in the comics it€™s a very safe bet he€™ll be a villain, but it€™s hard to see how much he€™ll figure into the story. Reports have it that Zemo and Crossbones are working together, so the best guess would be Zemo helps strengthen the divide between The Avengers over the accords, twisting them against each other. In the comics Zemo revealed details of Bucky€™s past to the public, so maybe he€™s the one who informs Tony Stark the Winter Soldier murdered his parents. For the moment that€™s all speculation, but the next trailer will hopefully offer up some clues about Zemo€™s place on the chessboard. Or at least offer a look at him.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.