Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2 - 11 Things We Want To See

5. More Ambiguity Over Bucky

Bucky went through a lot of changes between the original movie and the sequel, where he€™s committed some fairly terrible acts since being brainwashed by Hydra. In Winter Soldier we saw him as a merciless killing machine, so watching him transition back to regular old Bucky in Civil War might take some getting used to. The directors of Civil War have hinted Bucky is stuck between his old self and the Winter Soldier character, so even if he€™s trying to redeem himself he might not be the same guy Steve remembers. The inciting act of the story apparently has Bucky being framed for a huge terrorist act, but he may not be completely innocent either. That ambiguity will be played up in the movie, and the trailer should establish this too. The friendship between Bucky and Steve will drive a lot of the conflict in Civil War, so it would nice to know more about how he'll figure into the story.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.