Captain America: Civil War Trailer - 8 Huge Reveals About Spider-Man

6. He Has A Real Utility Belt

In the comics, Spider-Man keeps everything from spare web cartridges to film for his camera in his utility belt, but it's never been portrayed as a literal belt around his waist for the sake of simplicity when illustrating the hero. Here though we can see that he does have compartments going right around his waist, all of which I'm guessing are storing web cartridges. There's no centre piece though, so forget seeing the spider signal. What will be interesting is whether or not Peter ends up adding new things to this belt as time goes along. His comic book counterpart has used it to store spider tracers (something the previous Spider-Man movies never touched on) and different types of webbing for different foes, so the potential to do some interesting things with this element of the costume is definitely there. It's just nice to see that he finally has it though.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.