Captain America: Civil War Trailer - 9 Things We Want To See

5. Crossbones Being Completely Badass

Captain America: The Winter Soldier introduced us to S.H.I.E.L.D. agent (and Hydra sleeper) Brock Rumlow. Despite being a traitorous a-hole, Rumlow was shown surviving the film with some nasty injuries, a good indication that he€™s earmarked for a return. And as all comics nuts know, Brock Rumlow is the real name of Crossbones, the assassin that is responsible for the death of Captain America during the Civil War storyline. It€™s difficult to know how to take the return of Rumlow in the films, however. He€™s already been established as being no physical match for Steve Rogers: despite his deadliness, he€™s just a man, and Captain America is an enhanced human, a supersoldier. Unless the remains of Hydra experiment on him to give him a little more oomph, it€™s hard to see him as much of a threat. However, what if Captain America€™s death was one of the aspects of the Civil War storyline that Marvel retained for the film? After all, he was shot by a sniper - Rumlow doesn€™t have to get within grabbing distance to shoot Rogers from cover. Regardless, we need to see Crossbones in the midst of some badass shenanigans in this trailer if we€™re to buy Rumlow as an antagonist again, though. A scary mask isn€™t going to cut it.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.