Captain America: Civil War Trailer - 9 Things We Want To See

4. The Return Of Bucky

With the possible exception of the Spider-Man movie, there are no more MCU films planned that are likely to feature any of these characters until Avengers: Infinity War hits cinemas in May 2018. That means that not only does Captain America: Civil War have to heat up the tension in order to bring Rogers and Stark to war with one another, it also has to cool things down again sufficiently that the next Avengers movie can hit the ground running. We need a beginning, a middle and a complete resolution to the Civil War storyline by the end of the film. That's a lot of heavy lifting for one two hour flick, which is something the official trailer can help with. The trailer can make it clear in advance to casual audiences unfamiliar with the comic books (ie, most of them) why Captain America and Tony Stark - teammates whose character arc over two movies has been one of resolving their many differences to become good friends - are now not only no longer friends, but are on opposite sides. A brilliant way to do that in the film proper is with Cap finding the Winter Soldier and attempting to restore him to himself. In turn, that decision could have Stark blaming Rogers for protecting from justice the Hydra assassin who may have murdered his parents in that alleged car accident back in 1991. But that can't just be the reserve of the movie: the trailer needs to give us some Bucky Barnes, or at least some indication that Bucky's still out there somewhere. You don't have to make him the new Captain America, as the comics did - just give Bucky Barnes his memory back and a new place in life. In order for the casual audience to buy the Winter Soldier as a potential good guy and a pivotal plot point, the upcoming trailer needs to indicate to the world that he€™s responsible, but redeemable. Two snippets in the trailer solve all those problems: Stark rips Cap a new one over protecting the Winter Soldier, and a traumatised Bucky remembers something about his shared past with Steve.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.