Captain America: Civil War Trailer - 9 Things We Want To See

3. The Sinister Baron Zemo

If professional wrestling has taught us anything, it€™s that people love to see good guys smacking the taste out of each others€™ mouths, but only as a special treat, a one-off kind of deal. We love to speculate about death matches between our favourite superheroes (that€™s how Bat In The Sun get millions of views for their videos), but when it comes to a satisfying storyline, we need a proper villain. That€™s why it€™s so important for Captain America: Civil War to present Baron Zemo as a genuine horror show of a character. If Zemo, and to a lesser extent Crossbones, are the actual villains of the piece, then we need to know that fairly early on. There€™s a limit to how long even the most nihilistic of Marvel fans can go in watching good guys pile in on one another. In the comics, Zemo disguises himself as a good guy and leads the Thunderbolts, acting as a sleeper agent inside the team in order to manipulate events from within. It would certainly go some way towards explaining how Stark and Rogers become enemies if there was someone in Stark€™s camp pushing all the right buttons - give us a hint of sinister goings on behind the scenes. Give us some indication that Stark€™s being played.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.