Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10 Most Awesome Moments

2. Cap' Takes Down A Heliship Solo

Remember that scene in The Return of the King where Legolas single-handily takes on a giant elephant ("Mumakil" for you nerds) by leaping on top of it like a bloody nutcase, only to dispatch it like a total boss seconds later? Well, the same kind of thing happens during one memorable scene in The Winter Soldier, except Legolas is replaced with Captain America, and giant elephant is replaced with a heliship. That's to say, whilst escaping from S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters on his motorbike, the Captain suddenly finds himself blocked off by a sort of flying ship thing. Instead of, you know, trying to avoid it or turning around, though, the Captain revs his motorbike towards the ship, launches himself on top of it, and uses his shield to bring the thing down in a moment that can only be described as "totally and utterly badass." It's a gloriously-rendered little action sequence, one allows Captain America to - pretty much - show off how amazing he is when it comes to facing enemies that are much, much larger than he is, and also happen to be of the flying ship variety. It's arguably the most defining moment of his big screen career thus far.

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