Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10 Most Awesome Moments

3. Nick Fury's Other Eye

Let's face it: we've all probably wondered from time to time what monstrosity is lurking beneath Nick Fury's eyepatch (and if you haven't... what's wrong with you?). Common questions include: Does he have an eyeball? Is it just an empty socket? Is it totally fine under there, and he's just busting out an eyepatch to look awesome? Fortunately for everyone who has ever been curious about this, The Winter Soldier is the MCU motion picture that finally reveals what's going on under that eyepatch. And the results are, as you probably predicted, fairly gross (but also cool). The big reveal comes when Nick Fury learns that he's been locked out of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s systems by bad guy Alexander Pierce, and can no longer access them because his retinal scans have been compromised. And yet Fury has a little trick up his sleeve, in the form of his OTHER EYE, which he unveils - to the shock and awe of both Pierce and we, the audience - with a catchy one-liner too good to spoil here. So Fury's second eyeball is still there, but his pupil is white and cloudy; the tissue around it heavily scarred. A nice bit of fan service, and a long time coming.

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