Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 10 Most Awesome Moments

4. "Was That Your First Kiss Since 1943?"

There are plenty of hilarious scenes scattered throughout The Winter Soldier, so it was hard to pick just one (a standout example has both Black Widow and the Captain in the Apple store using a laptop whilst being approached by a "Genius" - the banter is ridiculously funny). For this list, though, we've gone for the hilarious conversation that follows on from a moment where the Captain and Black Widow are forced to kiss one another as they're going up an escalator in a shopping mall in order to conceal themselves whilst being hunted by former S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives. During the car ride outta there, Black Widow asks the Captain whether their kiss was his "first kiss since 1943?", a question which he appropriately blushes at and rejects. It's a funny moment because it both builds on the idea that there's something between Black Widow and the Captain (why is she asking these romantically probing questions, huh?) and also reminds us of the fact that he hasn't really had any girl action for a while. It's also amusing because of the way Black Widow phrases the question, as though she's talking to a teenager who just discovered kissing.

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