Captain America: The Winter Soldier New Trailer - 5 Things We Learned

2. Bucky Is An Absolute Beast

The previous trailer showed Bucky Barnes, in his new guise, as being a very formidable foe for Captain America. This one really shows off what he is capable of in a physical battle. Captain America himself describes his old friend as being "fast" and "strong" - and, for Cap to be saying that, bearing in mind how easily he disposed of the very large and physically imposing Chitauri soldiers, he must be. In this trailer, we see Bucky casually taking out a S.H.I.E.L.D car with Nick Fury inside and stepping aside even more casually as it flies past him. We then see him kick a man twenty feet in to the air, before he takes out another car while it's moving by smashing his cyborg arm through its windshield and pulling its steering wheel off, prior to jumping on to another moving vehicle that we can only assume he takes out as well. He is also seen catching Cap's shield (which we saw in the first trailer), but he throws it back in this one and hurts Cap with it. Later, he is seen literally pulling Falcon out of the sky, demonstrating further skill and strength. If the rumours are true that his arm has been made from the same material as Captain America's shield, we have an extremely potent foe on our hands, over whom Cap has no major advantages - and that could mean our hero is in for a world of hurt.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.