Captain Marvel: 10 Best Moments

7. The Skrull Twist

Captain Marvel Skrull
Marvel Studios

The biggest and most pleasant surprise in Captain Marvel is the revelation that Skrull leader Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) isn't quite the one-dimensional villain everyone expected him to be.

Rather, he's actually a refugee seeking out a new home after the Kree annihilated his home planet, and he simply wishes to be reunited with his family.

It's a great twist built on the audience's expectation that Ben Mendelsohn always plays hammy bad guys, so to see that subverted rather ingeniously here was a nice touch.

But Talos is far from a squeaky-clean good guy, as he notes there being plenty of blood on his hands and forms only a most tenuous partnership with Carol and co.

The film does a great job making him sympathetic and unexpectedly likeable, especially during some of his banter with the heroes. "Why would I become a filing cabinet?"

It might disappoint some that this effectively puts the kibosh on any immediate Secret Invasion storyline in the MCU, but it was certainly a refreshing change from just making the Skrull another generic alien army.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.