Captain Marvel: 10 Best Moments

6. Goose Reveals Her True Nature

Captain Marvel Goose
Marvel Studios

But one of the film's most compelling characters isn't even human at all: it's Mar-Vell's feline(ish) companion Goose.

The kitty ends up stowing away with Carol and Fury on their journey, and though Carol refers to the cat as a "Flerken", most non-comic book readers are supposed to assume that this is just the Kree nomenclature for cats.

But as it turns out, a Flerken is an extraterrestrial race of creatures, and indeed, Goose is one of them.

After Fury finally gains possession of the Tesseract, Goose reveals its gigantic tentacled mouth, which it uses to gobble up the Tesseract and store it within a pocket dimension in its stomach.

And that's not all - Goose then goes about munching on some of the goons pursuing them.

It's an hilarious reveal - though the soldier attack is perhaps a bit too similar to Groot (Vin Diesel) cleaning house in Guardians of the Galaxy - and only makes Goose that much more awesome and interesting as a character.

Plus, as throwaway as the post-credits scene was, seeing Goose yuck up the saliva-soaked Tesseract was a hoot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.