Captain Marvel: 9 MCU Characters Who Could Appear

7. General Ross

Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Thaddeus Ross was first introduced in The Incredible Hulk, the Army General obsessed with capturing Bruce Banner after the latter became the Hulk. Ultimately, the Hulk slipped out of his grasp, and Ross disappeared from the MCU until returning in Captain America: Civil War, his military days behind him thanks to taking on the position of Secretary of State.

With Carol Danvers a member of the U.S. Air Force, it wouldn't be hard to imagine Ross entering the picture for a bit should the Kree/Skrull conflict find its way to Earth in some form. As the world at large wasn't quite aware of alien life until the Chitauri arrived in New York during The Avengers, if the war in Captain Marvel does come to Earth, it likely won't be too public, but if Ross is there to witness it, or see what Carol is capable of, it could serve as the basis for where he ends up in The Incredible Hulk.

Obviously, the project that gave birth to the Hulk was based on recreating the supersoldier serum that created Captain America, but Ross being a witness to something powerful in Captain Marvel could explain why he "dusted off" the program (as he explained to Emil Blonsky) in the first place, serving as a great bit of backstory for the relatively underserved character and as a slick tie-in to the MCU black sheep film that is The Incredible Hulk.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!