Captain Marvel Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To See

1. Some Will Find It Underwhelming

Captain Marvel
"It is the least of the Marvel productions made since Kevin Feige took the reins and launched the brand into the stratosphere. The picture is not dull, exactly, just mundane, marked by unimaginative plotting, cut-rate villains, a bland visual style and a lack of elan in every department. Or put it this way: What Black Panther did for black representation in the superhero realm is not done for women in Captain Marvel. And if it came down to a one-on-one between rival franchise uber warriors Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, there is no doubt who would inspire the heavy betting." - Hollywood Reporter
"Only in its most regressive ways does it really feel like a blockbuster from the mid-’90s. Neither a blast from the past, nor an inspiring glimpse into the future, at the end of the day it’s just another Marvel movie. And not a particularly good one, at that." - IndieWire

Though Captain Marvel is definitely a good film according to most critics, there is a general tenor of mild disappointment among many, who hoped that it would be a major epoch for female superhero movies.

Instead, it appears to be a far more ordinary comic book film than many were expecting, going to few adventurous places but still delivering the consistent entertainment value the MCU is known for.

If you're long-tired of the typical Marvel formula this doesn't sound like it'll do much for you, but if you enjoy most of their output, this should go down nicely enough (with sufficiently adjusted expectations, of course).

What do you make of the early Captain Marvel reviews? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.