Captain Marvel Trailer 3 Reactions: 5 Ups & 2 Downs

2. Showing More Of The Skrulls' Powers

Skrull Change
Marvel Studios

So far, all we've really seen of the Skrulls is their appearance on the beach in the previosu trailers as well as some moody hint shots. We know they're capable of morphing into old ladies and hiding in the general population, but so far, there's no tangible reveal of their powers.

That much has now changed as this trailer shows an actual transformation - which is helped enormously by the fact that the effects work looks bloody great. We're essentially taught in this teaser that Skrulls operate like Transformers: they can become things they see by merely scanning them, which makes them even more of a threat.

Interestingly, it also seems that their powers are governed by some sort of stone. And if you're a gambling person, it might not be too silly to suggest that might be something to do with the Power Stone, given the similarities in colour.

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