Casting A Live Action Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Movie

17. Ling Yao - Ryan Potter

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Sloth Braun Strowman

As the young prince of Xing, the character of Ling Yao has a lot riding on his shoulders. After all, without finding a way to prove that he's worthy of taking over from the soon-to-be deceased king, he won't be able to protect his clan from his half siblings and their respective clans. It's a Game of Thrones level family drama that's the driving force of everything he does.

Even though his journey to Amestris is one of utter importance, Ling is played for laughs when he's introduced, which is why we've gone with Ryan Potter to play him. His role on Titans as Beast Boy proves that he's certainly got the comedic timing to play the potential emperor of Xing.

However, as any fan of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood knows, the character takes an interesting turn half way through the show, becoming Greed, one of Father's homunculi. When you've got good timing like Potter, it's easy to be typecast into the funny supporting character. However, with the Ling Yao/Greed combination, it will give the young actor an opportunity to show his versatility.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.