Casting A Live Action Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Movie

16. Alex Louis Armstrong - Channing Tatum

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Sloth Braun Strowman
Warner Bros.

Despite the show having more than its fair share of serious arcs and moments, there are a fair few characters who are used to lighten the tone when need be. One of those characters is Major Alex Louis Armstrong, otherwise known as the Strong Arm Alchemist.

Now a character with a nickname as frightening as that, along with the fact that he uses spiked brass knuckles as a weapon, can be quite misleading as he's genuinely hilarious throughout the entire series. It's easy to find someone who can pose a physical threat, but they also have to be able to mix in the accidental humour that comes along with playing Armstrong. When that's the criteria, the first person that comes to mind is Channing Tatum.

Although he never quite gets the credit he deserves as an actor, he's actually really good and has shown enough that he's a quite well-rounded. Obviously, his comedy chops are apparent following the success of the 22 Jump Street series. It's easy to imagine a somewhat updated version Alex Louis Armstrong being a bit of a bro and Tatum can do that with ease.

That being said, like with many of the characters who provide the small amounts of humour in this series, there's a deep sadness to Armstrong following the events of the war in Ishval. It's an interesting dynamic that we're sure Tatum would do exceptionally well in.

It would also be really fun to see Armstrong's interactions with his sister. Speaking of which...


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.