Casting Harry Potter TV Show Reboot

4. Neville Longbottom - Archie Yates

Roman Griffin Davis Harry Potter
Warner Bros./FOX

Neville Longbottom became one of the major characters of the series but began with a small enough role in the first film. That said, he was either responsible for or the catalyst of some of the biggest laughs in the script. If there is a young actor working in the industry today who can bring the laughs, it is Archie Yates, a break-out star from Jojo Rabbit.

His comedic timing is outstanding, showing an understanding of the craft that is well beyond his years. He has one of those faces that just begs empathy, while his earnestness and upbeat nature seems completely at odds with the events around him. Rarely has membership in the Hitler Youth elicited so much laughter from an audience.

Neville was something of a bumbling comedy character in the first film, between losing his rememberall and trying to stop the trio from going out at night. He is good, through and through, even if this goodness gets him into trouble. Yates has the power to display that goodness as well, in his relentlessly cheerful approach to his work during the film.

Even as events start to take a darker turn, he keeps his chin up, joking with Jojo along the way. Neville is the great example of the boy who almost was - that seems to be a role that Yates could play with ease.

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Harry Potter
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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick