Cate Blanchett: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Colonel-Doctor Irina Spalko €“ Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008)

2008 was a banner year for bad decisions for Cate Blanchett, as she indulged in another talented director's worst first. Oh sure, 1941 was a colossal failure, but at least it had noble intentions. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull was a cynical cash-in of a beloved, long-dead franchise which somehow managed to forget about everything that made people love the films in the first place. It's too painful to recount everything that sucked about the fourth Indiana Jones films, and everyone already knows that the ants, the monkeys, the gophers and the fridge are amongst the worst screenwriting decisions this decade. But the true crime of The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull might be its wholesale waste of acting talent. Ray Winstone does his cockney wide boy thing as Indiana's old mucker-turned-enemy...but is never anything more than a caricature. Ditto for Shia LaBeouf as Rebel Without A Cause greaser Mutt. And then there's Blanchett, sporting a goofy wig and Russian accent as the big bad. It's pantomime stuff, and not in a good way. All Indiana Jones villains are broad and silly, but at least they're usually...well, characters.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at