Chris Nolan 2017: 10 Movies He Might Direct Next

4. The Batman

If there€™s an elephant in the room, at this stage of the article, it€™s that Warner Bros is the home studio of the DC Entertainment movies. And of course Christopher Nolan made over $2 billion for Warner Bros with his Dark Knight trilogy. Since then, he€™s worked on Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice in an advisory executive producer capacity. Warner Bros surely wouldn€™t hesitate to get Nolan back in the director€™s chair for another Batman movie €“ albeit in their rebooted continuity where Bruce Wayne now looks like Ben Affleck €“ if the director was up for it, which is pretty exciting given the rumours that a solo movie for Batfleck could be on the way sooner rather than later. Admittedly, many rumours also suggest that Affleck might want to direct that movie himself. If he changed his mind, though, who better than Nolan to steer Batman back onto the big screen? It€™d be surprising, sure, but stranger things have happened. €œI think I had a great experience with the superhero genre and got to explore a lot of things,€ Nolan told Time Out in 2014, €œbut it was a good decade of my life and I find it hard to imagine returning to it. But never say never.€ Don€™t worry, Chris, we won€™t.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.