Chris Nolan's Dunkirk Trailer: 8 Reactions You Need To Know

6. Men’s Business

Dunkirk Flight
Warner Bros.

We now have to be honest here: Christopher Nolan isn’t precisely famous for creating great female characters. It’s an ugly statement, but two irksome Rachel Dawes, a strained Murphy, a coerced Selina Kyle and a bunch of other forgettable women support it.

It’s not like he should never include a single one in any of his future films, or that he won’t be able to draw a good one sometime, or even that he doesn’t maybe have a surprise waiting for us in this film, but in regard to what we know, it’s almost completely unquestionable that this is testosterone-driven stuff and there will not be stumbles of that kind in the masculine-tears-action-packed brew.


Iskander Gaffigan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.