Chris Nolan's Dunkirk Trailer: 8 Reactions You Need To Know

4. No Twist In Sight

Dunkirk Flight
Warner Bros.

The other most noticeable characteristics of his films are twirls. Think of him as a type of calculated, providential Shyamalan. He always goes for it, or leastwise, makes his characters go for it. But, what kind of spin awaits to be disclosed in Dunkirk? Again there’s the predictability of what is already archived in history.

Yes, I know that if it holds a secret whose objective is to gobsmack viewers, it shouldn’t be perceptible in the trailer, but until now there has been a notion every time, an element which tells you nothing is going to be what it seems at first. Magicians? Prestidigitation. Batman? Well, he’s got to be of flesh and bone. People inside dreams? Wake up! Wormholes? Those things literally mess up with time and space.

The point is, is there a twist? And if not, could Nolan get away with it?


Iskander Gaffigan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.