Christopher Eccleston: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Raymond Calitri - Gone In 60 Seconds (2000)

Christopher Eccleston Gone In 60 Seconds Eccleston isn't exactly terrible in the modern remake of Gone In 60 Seconds, but it's nearly impossible for him to raise the bar with the dialogue he's forced to spurt out here. Still, even Oscar-winning actors like Nicholas Cage, Angelina Jolie and Robert Duvall couldn't pull this thing out from the depressingly bog of mediocrity that it ended up sinking back into, so it's no surprise. Christopher Eccleston is the villain here, of course (c'mon - he's British), and though the performance itself is fine, it still comes across as entirely lame. That's to say, the premise and the dialogue is made out from serious bottom of the barrel stuff. Take the scene where, as bad guy Raymond "The Carpenter" Calitri, Eccleston is forced to say - purely because the hero's surname is "Raines" - the Godawful line: "When it rains, it pours." There's no context to this line - it's just a throwaway they give to the villain because aren't villains supposed to have funny little sayings? Which means it's impossible for Christopher Eccleston to come out looking good - and going by his facial expressions throughout, he knows it.

Jack Allen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.