Comic Con 2016: 8 Awesome Moments We Need To See

2. Captain Marvel Is Being Played By....

Spider Man Comic Con

Fans and critics have been clamouring for a Marvel Studios blockbuster featuring a female lead for a while now, and whilst they did announce Captain Marvel in the fall of 2014, not much progress has been made since. Studio head Kevin Feige has been hinting all year that we may see announcements over the summer and with Comic Con upon us, it seems all but guaranteed that we'll see some concrete details this coming weekend.

Brie Larson is the current frontrunner coming off of the back of her Oscars win and would fit in with Marvel's strategy of signing up young, hot talent. Carol Danvers has exploded in popularity over the past few years and if Marvel do this right, they could have an evergreen franchise on their hands. There has also been talk that a female director is the preferred choice for their first ever female superhero franchise.

Bet your pennies that the we'll see Captain Marvel brought on to stage in Hall H on Saturday.


Ben Holliday is a features writer and film critic for What Culture, Heroic Hollywood, Den of Geek and The London Economic. As an artist he has worked on various projects for Maverick Media, Bauer Media, Image Comics and Valiant Entertainment amongst others.